Who am I? pt.2

If you haven't read the pt. 1 here is the link: https://timetotalk621.wordpress.com/2018/11/07/who-am-i/ Who am I? I am a smart, strong, beautiful, kind, loving, independent, friendly, young woman!  it has been a while since I wrote " Who am I? " so I thought you should know how I am now! I have excelled at school,... Continue Reading →

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The Merchant Of Venice

For my home school co-op (a 1 day a week classes ), I am in a Shakespeare class. We are reading "The Merchant Of Venice" as a class! So here is a summary of the play! The Merchant of Venice was a great book/play! The amazing comedy had religious arguments, love, and loans. The whole... Continue Reading →

who am I?

I found this in my drafts from a couple months ago. I decided to post it and I'm going to make a part 2 to share how I now enjoy it! In the last few weeks, I have gone through many changes. I got an iPhone a couple of months ago. but it brought a... Continue Reading →

bless you!

Why do we say bless you? Well, it all started in 590 BC when Europe was going through the Black Death. Pope Gregory the Great ordered anyone who sneezed to be blessed because it was the first sign of illness. So think about it, we have been saying bless you for 952,406 days or 2,607... Continue Reading →


This weekend I went to something called expanding your horizon girls conference. for the day you have to pick 6 classes before the conference and you find out what 3 classes you get them of the event (I got everything I wanted). We have an opening speech than our first 2 classes than lunch then... Continue Reading →


Feminism Political ideology Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social equality of sexes. I am a Feminist. I believe everything should be equal. But I am the kind of feminist that listens to rap music. I... Continue Reading →

Happy International Women’s Day

Happy International Women's Day!!! Today is a very important day for everyone. This day it to celebrate all the woman in the world. Every woman in ever religion, every state, every country, every city, and even every age. Women and the most important beings in the world. With out women the human population would have... Continue Reading →


I pretty sure you know what pugs are. But do you know what they're history is, or what 2 dogs make a pug. If you keep reading I will answer that for you. Pugs are one of three types of short-nosed dogs that are thought to have been bred by the Chinese: the Lion dog... Continue Reading →

Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi is a strong female character and I am influenced by her quotes. Here are some of her best quotes. (If you want to know how to pronounce her name look for the video below.) You may be wondering who she is… well she is the first woman that has ever been the Prime Minister... Continue Reading →

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